Electronic Battery 1812 1.5V 100uAh 20uA BCT1812M101AG

Electronic Battery 1812 1.5V 100uAh 20uA BCT1812M101AG

General technical data
Nominal voltage
Typical operating voltage Vop1)
Maximum charge voltage 1)
Nominal capacity2)
Nominal discharge current
Operating temperature
0 … 1.6
-20 … +80
1) It is recommended to operate below 1.6 V. In case cycle lifetime degradation is acceptable, it is also possible to charge
up to 1.8 V.
2) At ambient condition 25 °C and relative humidity less than 60 %
Recommended charge profile
a) Constant current charge: setting current in range 10 µA up to 50 µA with end voltage 1.6 V.
b) Constant voltage charge: setting voltage to 1.6 V with limited current under 200 µA, end current
below 10 µA.
c) Constant current charge / constant voltage charge: For constant current charge set current in
range 10 µA up to 50 µA with end voltage 1.6 V; for constant voltage charge set voltage to 1.6 V
with end current below 10 µA.


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